Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Ronda, originally uploaded by Tak from HK.

It is not easy to get out of Morocco as the transportation companies are on strike. I, together with one Japanese couple, take a whole day and finally passed through the Mediterranean sea.

Ronda is a little town on the top of the high land, beautiful white houses and the 18 century bridge, Puente Nuero, crosses the 100m deep valley.

The Plaza de Toros is considered the home of bullfighting but I do not have chance to see a real one, just an empty place.

I have also visited the Casa del Rey Moro. It has a stairway cut inside the rock to the bottom of the river. The stairway is around 60m deep.

P.S. This is your last chance to pick your best photo in South America, I will let you know what are the other´s pick very soon.

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